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National Taco Day

National Taco Day and Taco image with designIQ branding

In celebration of National Taco Day, let’s take a look at how after 20 years, Taco Bell and its creative team embarked on a fearless rebrand. The team reimagined the company’s icon “bell” mark, recreating the system as modern “pop-art” interpretations of the brand’s iconic logo. Going far beyond simply redecorating the interior and exterior of its restaurants, the company broke the previous mold once again with the creation of unique, and exclusive “Taco Bell Catinas” in select cities.

Read more on the rebrand and the rest of the project here:


Taco Bell packaging redesign bag cup boxTaco Bell building interior redesign


CREATIVE: TBD, Restaurant Engagement Team, Lippincott

CREATIVE: Arcy Valencia, Rolex Vidal, Alex Ezell, Christopher Ayres

ACCOUNT: Elle Ulla, Kate Goldsmith, Lisa Schnitzer, Kristin Anderson